Reasons to have your own drivers using Delivery Software in Belo-Horizonte Brazil during Coronavirus attack

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    TrackQlik# 1 Delivery Software in Belo-Horizonte Brazil is helping into all sizes and industries, from the smallest to the largest multinational firm, improving the “last mail delivery” process is very important for profitability. The term “last mail” refers to something from the local distribution center to a customer’s door, like a warehouse or central kitchen. Although the last mail usually has the shortest paths to any part of the supply chain management, it is quick and easy to improve the final mail delivery routes with no tools or expertise.

    TrackQlik# 1 Delivery Software in Belo-Horizonte Brazil

    As a growing delivery business, it’s a good bet you’ve debated whether to partner with third-party food delivery apps such as UberEats, Grubhub, and Doordash. While there are some benefits to relying on these apps (namely: they send you business!), there are often much greater benefits—in the short- and long-term—to delivering from your own fleet of handlers.

    As a provider of Delivery Software in Belo-Horizonte Brazil, we’ve witnessed the major benefits directly from our customers across dozens of industries. Here are five big reasons you should consider managing your own fleet:

    Own customer experience from end to end

    When delivering food (or furniture, groceries, even laundry), mistakes can happen. Food may spill over into the bag or it might arrive cold or later than expected. The problem is, your restaurant will very likely get the blame for it whether it was your fault or not. Even if a third-party made the delivery, the calls and the bad reviews are coming your way.

    But when you operate your own fleet, you can not only prevent lots of mistakes, but you can also own them. You know exactly why food arrived cold, late, or spilled, because you can either see what caused the bottleneck on your dashboard (provided by Delivery Software in Belo-Horizonte Brazil) or you can chat with the handler. You can address the issue with the customer, develop solutions (like better packaging), and ensure it’s less likely to happen again.

    Address complaints instantly

    When you do get that call from a customer who wants to know where their delivery is, both you and your customer will have varying levels of visibility into a third-party handler’s location. And so it may take a while to find an answer.

    However, if you run your own fleet—and use the Tracking Software in Belo-Horizonte Brazil map pinpointing your handlers’ locations—you can give all your customers a live tracking link, making them less likely to call you in the first place. And if they do call, you can answer your customers’ questions in an instant.

    Armed with that information, you can make decisions to better serve that customer. You might just let them know that the driver is finishing up another job first. Or you might see that another driver is nearby and reassign the order. With Delivery Tracking Software in Belo-Horizonte Brazil you can also make a quick call to your team and figure it out. The point is: you have the control.

    Represent your brand

    Every one of your drivers can be an ambassador for your brand, and has the ability to delight your customers and turn them into more loyal followers. If it’s part of your brand to be super nice and helpful, and you instill that attitude in your drivers, customers will notice and write reviews.

    It goes further than attitude. You might also want your drivers to dress to a certain standard to match your brand, something you can’t control with third-party services. And when you have your own drivers, you can give customers and drivers their own Delivery Software in Belo-Horizonte Brazil, which puts your brand stamp on more touchpoints and gives you control over the customer experience.

    Motivate your team

    With your own drivers and delivery logistics software, you get detailed data on every handler’s performance and your fleet’s KPIs. That means you can track average delivery times, analyze, and then motivate your whole team or individual members to improve. You can get data on outliers and figure out why any delivery took too long, and deal with underperformers. Finally, with Delivery Software in Belo-Horizonte Brazil you can help your team grow their careers. When one of your drivers keeps getting 5-star reviews, it might be time to put that person on track for a promotion.

    You own the data to make data-driven business decisions

    Number 5 really serves as the exclamation point. When you rely on online food delivery apps like Delivery Software in Belo-Horizonte Brazil, GrubHub or Doordash, you don’t see much of that data. Even though it’s your food being made and delivered, it’s now Uber’s delivery data.

    However, when you manage your own fleet, you also own your own delivery data, giving you the tools to evaluate how to get more customers and grow revenue. For example, you can know which customers ordered which items—and when—allowing you to market more of the products they probably want directly to them, and grow revenue. You can track specific KPIs like time-to-dispatch or driver in-store-wait-time to know exactly what’s slowing down delivery, or measure your monthly progress on big KPIs like average delivery time to motivate your team.

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