Field Force Digital Wallet

Gamification of earning based upon KPIs , Distance & Duration Field force spend in field.

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     Agent Digital Wallet for their Field earnings – Develop a Culture of Winning Teams –

    Rewards your field staff by paying them for each mile they travel and for each minute they spend in performing their duty.

    Agent Digital Wallet

    Agent digital wallet manages complete earning of field workforce for their assigned jobs. Pay field workforce per kilometer, per minute, per task etc.

    Performance based Earning

    Pay your staff based upon their performance. Pay different rates for different client ratings as well as agent’s own rating profile. Help them to make a healthily competition to earn more

    Targets based Earning

    A True gamification. Let your agent meet their revenue targets and earn more revenue from their assigned jobs.

    Agent Revenue Targets & Forecasting

    Built in forecasting helps you to measure target achievements of your field workforce and to make a reward program for them based upon their targets.

    Idle Travelling VS Transit Travelling

    Pay your field workforce for their idle kilometers ( when they travelled without any task ) and Transit Kilometers ( when they travelled with some real tasks ). We help you to identify their productive travelling

    Idle Field Hours vs Transit Field Hours

    Pay your field workforce for their idle hours ( The time when they had no tasks ) and Transit Hours ( The time when they had some real tasks ). We help you to identify their productive time spending

    Client Rating based Earning Methods

    Pay your field staff different earnings after client feedback and rating. Setup different earning rates for their per task, per kilometer and per minute for different client rating ( 5,4,3,2,1 or no rating ).

    Agent LifeTime Rating Profiles

    Pay your field staff different earnings based upon agent different rating profiles. Agent rating profiles upgrades or downgrades after each client review.

    What are you waiting for?

    Go Digital & Boost your Growth !

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